My first week as a master minder

I could make a long list of all the workshops, programs and techniques I have learned and practiced on myself and as a professional since the 1960s. This approach is now old fashioned but still has the truth. The science and art of working with the subconscious mind has made great leaps in the last twenty years that make the work go more smoothly and quickly.

The power of being in the program is the discipline and group mind. So I find it very useful. I have already gotten more done this past week than in a long time. I am also adding other techniques that I feel enhance and quicken this type of work.

For example this approach assumes that it is difficult to reprogram the subconscious mind. This is true if one uses force rather than power and wisdom. The subconscious always does everything we ask. It just has a lot of contradictory instructions and some of them have a great deal of energy from repetition or heightened experience.

Better to step to a meta level and instruct the subconscious what to do whenever you notice a problem and intend to release it. Then it is like pushing the delete button on your computer. Once the negative is removed,  it is much easier to instill the positive, which still requires some repetition but not nearly as much. And there are other techniques to enhance that process.

Thanks Mark and Davene

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